The IFLA libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities Section (LPD) held its midterm meeting in Vilnius. The meeting was hosted by the Lithuanian Audio Sensory library.
The midterm meeting span over two days to cover the agenda of the committee. Followed by a meeting for the working group for developing Guidelines for Inclusive Library Services for Persons with Print Disabilities.
Image1: IFLA LPD members sitting on a round table during the section meeting.
During the meetings, the Standing Committee members exchanged news and updates from their organizations, reviewed the progress of the ongoing activities of the section, discussed planning of the LPD seminar in USA in August and finally, the committee organized a workshop to review and update the mission and Goals of the Section.
We also took a tour of the National Art Gallery to check their latest project in collaboration with the Audio Sensory Library to make the gallery more accessible. They created a tactile model that represents the whole building. The positive feedback received from patrons is a testament to its success.
Image2: tactile map of the National Art Gallery
In the project “Blind Date”, 20 artworks from the gallery were selected and transformed to tactile versions. Audio description was incorporated into the tactile models to guide the patrons on how to explore and enjoy the accessible version of the artwork. To achieve the final version of these models, extensive discussion and collaboration between the gallery’s curators and audio describers.
Another activity within this collaboration was the Theater of senses. In this activity, the curator reads about an artist then they make a performance for the audience.
Image3, Image4: two versions of the same work: first is printed and the second is the tactile representation of the image.
The Audio Sensory Library collaborated with the College’s Faculty of Graphic Communication Design and the Vilnius City Library on a joint inclusive design project. This project aims at creating inclusive signage for the Vilnius City Library. Third year students of the faculty received training from the Lithuanian Audio Sensory library on Universal Design. Later they were assigned to develop inclusive signage designs and present it. The most impactful design has the potential for future implementation by the library. 24 students took part in this assignment. LPD members attended the presentation of 8 students who kindly presented their creative inclusive designs in English. There were a lot of creative ideas, and it was very evident how students kept inclusivity at the core of their design.
Image5: Screen showing presentation titled “Vilnius City Library Indoor Navigation”
The Guidelines working group had a meeting on the following day to review the comments and feedback received from librarians who volunteered to review the draft guidelines. It was a very productive meeting full of discussions and new suggestions to enhance the draft. The draft will be edited again after this review, then the next steps will be determined in the following meetings.
The Audio Sensory Library recently underwent renovations, transforming it into one of Lithuania's most accessible buildings. The library's expertise has attracted designers seeking to learn from their experience. Their premises include a reading room, recording studios, meeting rooms and seminar rooms. Some of the universal design features include: a tactile map of each floor, braille signage, tactile signage using icons.
Image6: Signage with tactile icons